What is a match statement in GDSCRIPT and how we can use it?

sanju saini
1 min readMar 25, 2023


In this article, We will discuss is a match statement in GDSCRIPT and how we can use it. so let’s start.

A match statement, just like a switch case statement in many other programming languages but offers some additional features, is a type of selection control mechanism used to allow the value of a variable or expression to change the control flow of program execution in search and map.

Basically, you use a variable to ‘match’ a pattern and execute the code inside the match statement

Basic syntax :

Types of match patterns

1.Constant Pattern
2.Variable Pattern
3.Wildcard Pattern
4.Binding Pattern
5.Array Pattern
6.Dictionary Pattern
7.Multiple Pattern

1.Constant Pattern

A constant pattern is when you use a primitive/literal data type.
primitive/literal data types are integers, floats, booleans, strings, etc.

Example :

2. Variable Pattern :

With Gdscript we can use variables to match a pattern

3. Wildcard Pattern :

wildcard pattern matches everything. It’s written as a single underscore_.

It can also be thought of as a “default” block statement, meaning it will always run when all other match patterns fail

4.Binding pattern.

A binding pattern catches everything just like the wildcard pattern. The difference is the binding pattern assigns the value acquired into a variable that can be used inside the binding pattern match block
It’s especially useful in array and dictionary patterns

